Tag Archives: herbal remedies for heartburn

Natural Remedies for Indigestion


Many people deal with indigestion, heartburn, gas, and nausea after eating. While it is best to prevent these conditions by avoiding foods that cause them, that isn’t always practical. These herbal remedies for indigestion, heartburn and other issues, are very effective and act fast. You may have to try several before you find a remedy that works for you.

Remedies you can Drink

Enjoying a nice warm drink after a meal helps you relax and can help with digestion. Try any of these warm drinks for natural, herbal remedies for heartburn and indigestion.

Ginger Lime Tonic

2 tsp ginger juice
2 tsp lime juice
raw organic honey to taste

Mix in 4 – 6 ounces of warm water and drink.

Hot Lemon Water before the meal

Steep any of these fresh or dried herbs (or any combination) to make a tea:

  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Ginger
  • Licorice
  • Fennel

Spices that Help Indigestion

You can chew these, add them to food or steep them in hot water to make a tea.

  • Marjoram
  • Coriander
  • Red Pepper
  • Fennel

Other Remedies for Heartburn and Indigestion

You can also eat some papaya or pineapple after a meal. They contain enzymes that aid in digestion and can prevent or relieve digestion issues.

Some people believe that milk helps with indigestion an acid reflux. The truth is the fat in the milk can actually exacerbate the problem. If you do choose milk, go with skim and don’t drink a lot, just 4 -6 ounces.

Eating an orange after a meal can also help with digestion as it gives your organs a bit of a break. Avoid fruit juices because the fructose they contain can actually cause abdominal distress, pain and gas.

Do you have a favorite natural remedy for indigestion?

Image by David Castillo Dominici